Was determined to get two things done today that had been eluding me all week in Split, so we could head back to the islands. One was to get a good Internet Hotspot service for the boat – in two months, had not been successful, and the second was to get our registration paperwork for the boat that should have arrived last Saturday and has been sitting in Croatia post office limboland for the last six days. Internet hotspot – check! I am not going to relay the frustration on the package from the post office, but after a lot of visits to multiple locations, getting locals to come with me, finally had the documents in my hand around 2:30pm. Got hold of John and asked if we could possibly leave as soon as possible so that we could avoid the next bad thunderstorm that was threatening Split.

We escaped and had a beautiful sail for an hour or more until the winds died, so had to motor the rest of the way. We were between the mainland and the island of Brac and we were headed to Pusisca, a little white stone village on the island of Brac in an inlet. At the entrance to the inlet, there is a quarry that dates back to the roman times. The palace in Split, The White House in the USA, the church in Sibenik that has no mortar between the stones, all have stone quarried from this area. We arrive at around 8:30pm as the sun is setting, the swallows and other birds are chirping and it is very calm. This little town is famous for the fact that most of the houses are made from the white stone from the very same quarries. Time to go and explore.

pu 100
Sails are out!
pu 101
Oh, oh – what just happened to our wind
pu 102
Me, checking the charts
pu 103
Looking back towards the mainland
pu 105
Entering Pucisca at sunset
pu 106
Where we are going to spend the night